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Impossible Possibility performance Vallo di Nera ITALY 2022, video by Fabio Giorgi Alberti
MACRO performance SLIP by Fabio Giorgi Alberti & Jeff Gibbons Credit: Vittoria Bonifati & MACRO, Rome
MACRO, video work, Jeff Gibbons, ‘What do people do all day?’
Floating Book Launch 2021
NOWHERE: FACTUAL NONSENSE, The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland. Film by Pink Lime Studios©
JUDGEMENT opening performance, NowHere: Factual Nonsense, The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland. Filmed by Vittoria Bonifati / Music composed by Cornelius Gibbons
VOLARE, CANTARE - 'Primavera' Tempietto sul Clitunno, Italy
RULE BRITTANIA, Somewhere in England
Filmed by Cornelius Gibbons
VOLARE Madonna del Pozzo, Spoleto, Italy
Performance Poem by Jo Melvin with translation by Giovanni Rendina at Umbrian Umbrella, Spoleto, Italy
Umbrian Umbrella, Fishing for Compliments, Spoleto, Italy.
LADDER @Testbed 1, Battersea, London.
Annunciation - Birth of Language, St. Mathews Oxhey Herts.
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